Plenty Valley FM In The Community Plenty Valley FM – Connecting with the commmunity. Thank you for your time to complete this short survey. A bit about you…Age GroupSelect0-1415-2425-4445-6465+Prefer not to sayLocal Government AreaSelectCity of WhittleseaShire of NullumbikCity of BanyuleGreater MelbourneOtherGenderSelectFemaleMaleNon-binaryPrefer not to sayPlease specifyLet us know where you listen to us from. Have you heard of Plenty Valley FM before? No, I didn’t know about you before this survey Yes, don’t you broadcast local footy? Yes, I know you’re an emergency broadcaster Yes, I’ve seen you at other events locally Yes, and I listen regularly! Where did you find our QR Code? Saw it on your outside broadcast Saw it on your website Saw it on your Social Media accounts Saw it in a Council Newsletter Someone sent it to me What makes a good community radio station?Rank these factors in order of importance to you for a community radio station.Drag the option that’s most important to you to the top and least important at the bottom. Music DiversityCommunity Focus and Local Information/NewsProgram QualityEmergency BroadcastingLocal SportMulticultural ProgramsGenuine Presenters I can relate toListening to PodcastsListening InformationHow do you listen to radio? Radio (FM/AM) Online Stream (EG. Website) Mobile App (EG. Community Radio Plus, iHeartRadio) Smart Speaker (Google, Alexa, Sonos etc) Where do you listen to radio? Home Car Work Study What days of the week do you listen to radio?Select as many as you like! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday What time of day do you listen to radio?Select the main times you listen. Morning Afternoon Evening How often do you listen to the radio? Daily Weekly Monthly Less than Monthly Music you enjoy…What type of music do you enjoy listening to and would like to hear more of? Top 40 / Pop K-Pop / J-Pop Adult Contemporary Retro / Disco Easy Listening Childrens Music Country Jazz Funk Musical Theatre / Soundtracks Classical Folk Indie Classic Rock Metal Hip-Hop Rap R n B Blues What music (or language) or other things you would like to hear on Community Radio?Tell us what you’d like you hear. We currently broadcast language programs in Romany, Sinhalese, Tamil, Punjab and Samoan.Comments & General FeedbackI'd like to find out more about…I would be interested in finding out more about… Individual Membership Community Group Membership Sponsorship Training CAPTCHA