In conjunction with Nillumbik Reconciliation Group and Reconciliation Australia, the Chocolate Lilies will be running a free community singing workshop on Sunday May 28th at the Eltham Community and Recreation Centre . We will be singing a 4 part Acapella arrangement of Paul Kelly and Kev Carmody’s beautiful song “From Little Things Big Things Grow that I have arranged for the event. We will then sing it at the Reconciliation 25 year celebration Sunday afternoon and possibly, at the Eltham Town square the following Saturday. It is a big work but you don’t need to read music…. Please email me if you would like to take part. And also please share so we can get lots of voices to do the song justice.
Please email me on [email protected] if you are interested.

Date: Sun 28 May 2023


Email: [email protected]

Eltham Community Reception Centre 801 Main Rd. Eltham

Phone: 0417591005